アメリカの日本庭園や禅寺での着物や浴衣の着用シーンを捉え、彼らがどのように自然環境と調和するかを紹介する。 Capture the scenes of wearing kimono and yukata in Japanese gardens and Zen temples in the United States, and introduce how they harmonize with the natural environment.



Japanese gardens and Zen temples are scattered in the United States, and the scene of wearing kimonos and yukata there attracts those who see it as a landscape that pursues beauty and harmony. In this article, let's introduce the scenes of wearing kimono and yukata in Japanese gardens and Zen temples in the United States, and explore how they harmonize with the natural environment.




First of all, there are many Japanese gardens in the United States. These gardens reproduce the traditional Japanese garden design and the arrangement of plants, making it truly a healing place for those who love Japanese culture. People who wear kimonos and yukata here are pursuing a sense of unity with the natural environment. The appearance of them strolling in the garden is beautiful as if they are blending into the landscape.




Zen temples are also a popular place in the United States. In Zen temples, Zen practice is conducted along with the garden, and harmony with nature is considered important. Wearing kimono and yukata here is also consistent with the spirit of Zen. In the quiet environment of Zen temples, they calm their minds while feeling the beauty of kimonos and yukata and the breath of nature.




In order for them to harmonize with the natural environment, it is also important to choose kimono and yukata. By choosing colors and patterns that are not too conspicuous in nature, we will try to harmonize with the surrounding scenery. In addition, while wearing kimono and yukata, we will try to complement the delicate beauty while being simple.




In addition, they not only pursue harmony with the natural environment, but also respect Japanese traditional culture and aesthetic sense. By wearing a kimono or yukata, you can feel the beautiful traditions of Japan close to you. Their appearance can be said to be an expression of beauty beyond time and space.




The scene of wearing kimono and yukata in Japanese gardens and Zen temples in the United States impresses us as the appearance of people who pursue calm beauty. The sense of beauty and the way of mind that they cherish in order to harmonize with the natural environment are also worth learning. By harmonizing with nature, we can find peace and beauty of mind.

