アメリカの若者たちの間で着物や浴衣の人気が再燃!その理由とトレンドに迫る The popularity of kimono and yukata among young people in the United States has rekindled! Approaching the reason and trends



In recent years, the popularity of kimono and yukata has increased again among young people in the United States. At first glance, it may seem strange why traditional Japanese costumes are accepted by American young people, but in fact, there are several elements behind it. In this article, I would like to approach the reasons for the resurgence of the popularity of kimonos and yukata by young people in the United States and their trends.


1. 文化交流の増加:



1. Increase in cultural exchange:


Along with the international popularity of Japanese culture, American young people became interested in traditional Japanese costumes. In particular, young people who were influenced by Japanese anime and manga began to admire the characters wearing kimonos and yukata. In addition, the fact that Japanese festivals and events are actively held in the United States has also increased the opportunities for young people to wear kimonos and yukata.


2. 持続可能なファッションの追求:



2. The pursuit of sustainable fashion:


Recently, there has been a growing interest in sustainable fashion among young people. Kimono and yukata are evaluated as delicate and high-quality costumes because they are made by traditional technology and hand. In addition, it is often passed down for generations, so it is also attracting attention as an eco-friendly costume. Young people found the charm of kimonos and yukata that can be used for a long time once they bought it, and began to incorporate it as a part of fashion.


3. ヴィンテージファッションへの回帰:



3. Return to vintage fashion:


There is a growing interest in vintage fashion among young people in the United States. Kimonos and yukata are distinguished by their unique designs and patterns from other clothes, and can be incorporated as part of vintage fashion. In particular, young people who are fascinated by traditional Japanese patterns and colors incorporate kimonos and yukata as part of their own style.


4. ファッションの多様性への追求:



4. The pursuit of fashion diversity:


Finally, young people in the United States are pursuing the diversity of fashion. Young people who are not satisfied with traditional Western fashion have become interested in new styles and cross-cultural costumes. Kimono and yukata are new options for young people to express themselves with their unique designs and colorful patterns.







The reasons why the popularity of kimono and yukata is rekindled among American young people are the increase in cultural exchange, the pursuit of sustainable fashion, the return to vintage fashion, and the pursuit of fashion diversity. The combination of these elements has formed a trend of kimono and yukata by young people in the United States. It is expected that traditional Japanese costumes will continue to be loved as part of the new fashion by American young people in the future.


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