浴衣の洗い方と手入れ方法:浴衣を美しく保つための洗い方や手入れ方法を紹介How to wash and care for yukata: Introducing how to wash and care for yukata to keep it beautiful



Yukata is one of the kimonos to enjoy in the summer season, and it is characterized by beautiful patterns and colors. However, if you do not know how to wash and care correctly, problems such as color fading and shrinkage may occur. In the following, I will introduce how to wash and care for the yukata to keep it beautiful.


1. 洗濯前の準備



1. Preparation before washing


First of all, let's prepare before washing the yukata. First, lightly remove the dirt on the hem and cuffs of the yukata with a brush or cloth. Also, depending on the type of yukata, please check the laundry display. Especially yukata that use delicate fabrics and gold leaf may require hand washing.


2. 手洗いの場合



2. In the case of hand washing


When washing hands, first prepare lukewarm water in a basin, add a small amount of neutral detergent, and lather well. Turn the yukata inside out and gently wash it mainly on the area where the dirt is severe. If the dirt falls off, please rinse the detergent thoroughly. Put water in the basin, soak the yukata and rinse thoroughly. Finally, please squeeze the yukata lightly, shape it, and dry it in the shade.


3. 機械洗いの場合



3. In the case of machine washing


When washing the machine, first put the yukata in the laundry net. By using a washing net, you can prevent the yukata from getting tangled. Next, choose a neutral detergent and set it in the washing machine and wash it in a weak washing mode. After washing, please take it out immediately, shape it, and dry it in the shade.


4. 陰干しの注意点



4. Precautions for drying in the shade


When drying yukata in the shade, avoid direct sunlight and do it in a well-vilated place. In addition, we recommend that you turn it over and dry it to prevent the pattern and color of the yukata from getting sunburned. When the drying is complete, let's store the yukata carefully so that it doesn't wrinkle.


5. 注意点


- 摩擦による色落ちや縮みを防ぐため、他の衣類と別々に洗濯することをおすすめします。

- 漂白剤や漂白剤入りの洗剤は使用しないでください。

- 鉄分や塩分を含む汗や雨水は、浴衣の色落ちや変色の原因になることがあります。汗をかいた場合や雨に濡れた場合は、早めに洗濯するようにしましょう。


5. Precautions


Yukata often has delicate fabrics and delicate decorations, so please pay attention to the following points when washing.


- To prevent color fading and shrinkage due to friction, it is recommended to wash it separately from other clothes.


- Do not use bleach or detergent with bleach.


- Sweat and rainwater, including iron and salt, can cause color fading and discoloration of yukata. If you sweat or get wet in the rain, try to wash it early.




Yukata is a summer tradition, and I want to enjoy its beautiful patterns and colors for a long time. Please handle the yukata carefully while following the correct washing and care method.



Click here for our yukata

