浴衣の起源と変遷:浴衣の起源や古代から現代までの変遷を解説 The origin and transition of yukata: Explanation of the origin of yukata and the transition from ancient times to the present day



Yukata is a traditional Japanese kimono and is often used to stay cool in the summer season. Let's take a look at the origin of yukata and the transition from ancient times to the present.




The origin of yukata can be traced back to the Nara period (710-794). At that time, aristocrats and upper-class people washed their bodies when entering hot springs and public baths, and at the same time wore light clothes called yukata. This yukata not only kept the body cool, but also had the feature of being easy to absorb water.




In the Heian period (794-1185), yukata spread to the general public. In particular, women also wore yukata as everyday wear. Yukata these days were characterized by colorful patterns and weaves, and were highly decorative.




In the Edo period (1603-1868), yukata became more and more common. Yukata is now worn not only for entering the bathroom, but also for events such as summer festivals and fireworks displays. Yukata at this time was mainly made of cotton and hemp, and the use of patterns and colors also diversified.




Since the Meiji period (1868-1912), the design and materials of yukata have also changed as the influence of the West has intensified. Silk and synthetic fibers began to be used, and the number of Western-style patterns increased. In addition, men also began to wear yukata, and the number of people who love yukata during summer vacations and leisure has increased.




Modern yukata has become not only a classic design, but also a modern design. There are various materials and patterns, and many unique yukata are sold. Also, recently, the number of young people who incorporate yukata into a casual style is increasing.




Although yukata is a traditional Japanese costume, it has continued to change with the times. It is loved by many people as a cool and comfortable summer outfit.


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