【着物の選び方と着こなしのコツ】[How to choose a kimono and how to dress]



Kimono, a traditional Japanese garment, has attracted worldwide attention for its beauty and unique design. When choosing a kimono, it is important to pay attention to the material, pattern, and type of kimono. In addition, if you keep in mind the tips for dressing, you can dress even more attractively. Below, we will introduce how to choose a kimono and tips for dressing.



1. 素材の選択: 着物は綿、絹、羽織物など様々な素材で作られています。季節や目的に応じて素材を選びましょう。暑い季節には涼しい絹、寒い季節には暖かい羽織物を選ぶと良いでしょう。

2. 柄の選択: 着物には様々な柄があります。花柄や風景柄、動物柄など、自分の好みやイベントに合わせて柄を選びましょう。また、身長や体型に合った柄の大きさも重要です。

3. 着物の種類: 色無地、小紋、訪問着、振袖など、着物にも種類があります。正式な場での着用や特別なイベントには、適切な種類の着物を選ぶようにしましょう。


[How to choose a kimono]


1. Material selection: Kimono is made of various materials such as cotton, silk, and feather fabric. Choose materials according to the season and purpose. It is a good idea to choose cool silk in the hot season and warm feather fabric in the cold season.


Two. Pattern selection: There are various patterns in kimono. Choose a pattern according to your preferences and events, such as floral patterns, landscape patterns, and animal patterns. The size of the handle that matches your height and body type is also important.


3. Types of kimono: There are also types of kimono, such as plain color, small pattern, visiting clothes, furisode, etc. Try to choose the appropriate type of kimono for formal occasions or special events.



1. 正しい着付け: 着物の魅力を最大限に引き出すためには、正しい着付けが重要です。着物を着る際には、着付けのプロに頼むか、正しい着付けの方法を学ぶことをおすすめします。

2. 帯の選び方: 着物のアクセントとなる帯は、柄や素材、色合いにこだわって選ぶと良いでしょう。帯結びも重要なポイントですので、美しい結び方をマスターしましょう。

3. アクセサリーの選択: 着物には帯留めや草履、扇子などのアクセサリーが合わせられます。コーディネートのポイントとなるので、シンプルで品のあるものを選ぶと良いでしょう。


[Tips for dressing]


1. Correct dressing: In order to maximize the charm of a kimono, it is important to dress correctly. When wearing a kimono, we recommend that you ask a dressing professional or learn the correct way to dress.


Two. How to choose an obi: It is a good idea to choose an obi that accents a kimono with a particular pattern, material, and color. Obi knots are also important points, so let's master how to tie beautifully.


3. Choice of accessories: Kimono can be matched with accessories such as obi fasteners, clogs, and fans. It will be the point of coordination, so it would be a good idea to choose something simple and elegant.




How about it? By mastering the tips on how to choose a kimono and how to wear it, you can dress more attractively. Choose materials, patterns, and accessories according to your own preferences and events. Also, by learning how to dress correctly and tie an obi, you can dress more beautifully. Please bring out the charm of kimono to the fullest and enjoy Japanese traditions.

