着物の柄と意味についてAbout the pattern and meaning of kimono



Kimono is a traditional Japanese costume, and its beautiful patterns and designs have a rich meaning. The pattern of the kimono is expressed in a combination of various elements and symbols, and by knowing its meaning, you can feel a deeper understanding and charm.


1. 縞模様(しまもよう)



1. Striped pattern (Shimamoyo)


Stripes are the most popular pattern among kimonos and have a wide range of meanings. In general, stripes symbolize continuity and unity, and have the meaning of wishing for smooth and happiness in human relationships. In addition, the meaning varies depending on the width and color of the stripes, and narrow stripes are considered auspicious, while thick stripes express strength and dignity.


2. 桜(さくら)



Two. Cherry blossoms (sakura)


Cherry blossoms are the national flower of Japan, and the beautiful flowering is a symbolic presence that heralds the arrival of spring. It is often used as a kimono pattern, and cherry blossoms express the elegance and beauty of women. Cherry blossoms also symbolize the fleeting and fleetingness of a short life, and teach us to cherish the beauty of a moment.


3. 流水(りゅうすい)



3. Flowing water (Ryusui)


Flowing water represents the pattern of flowing water, symbolizing purity and the source of life. If the kimono has a flowing water pattern, it gives a cool and cool impression, and it is perfect for the summer season. In addition, flowing water is said to bring flowing luck and good flow, which also has the meaning of good luck and good luck.


4. 松竹梅(しょうちくばい)



4. Shochikubai (Shochikubai)


Shochiku plum is a symbolic pattern commonly used in Japanese customs, representing pine, bamboo, and plum plants, respectively. Pines symbolize longevity and immortality, bamboo represents suppleness and elegance, and plums are flowers that bloom in the winter season, symbolizing hope and a new beginning. The pattern of the pine and bamboo plum has the meaning of wishing for happiness and prosperity.


5. 麻の葉(あさのは)



5. Hemp leaf (Asanoha)


Hemp leaves are patterns that imitate the shape of hemp leaves and are widely loved as auspicious patterns. The shape of hemp leaves represents continuity and prosperity, and is often used as an auspicious object at weddings and celebrations. It is also said that hemp leaves are finely cut into leaves, so they keep evil spirits away.




The pattern of the kimono contains various meanings and symbols. By wearing these patterns, you can not only feel Japanese traditions and culture, but also share their meanings and messages with yourself and those around you.

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