着物の色彩と武士の階級:色で読み解く歴史The color of kimono and the class of samurai: History deciphered by colo


Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment, and its design and color have a deep meaning. In particular, the color of kimono in the samurai class was an important factor indicating social status and role. In this article, we will explore the color of kimono and the class of samurai, and consider its historical background.

1. 武士階級と着物の役割


1. The role of samurai class and kimono

The samurai were a class of warriors in the feudal system in Japan, and their status was determined by their family background and military merits. The samurai class served local lords and daimyo and was involved in combat and politics, while also valued culture and etiquette. Kimono played an important role as a means of expressing their identity.

2. 色彩の意味


Two. The meaning of color

The color of the kimono was not just a fashion choice, but had a specific meaning and symbol. Below are the representative colors and their meanings.

- ****:勇気や力を象徴し、戦いに出る際の装飾として好まれました。また、祝祭の際にも使われ、吉兆とされました。

- ****:正式な場面で用いられ、特に喪服としての役割も持ちました。黒は重厚さと権威を表し、高い地位を示す色とも考えられています。

- ****:冷静さや知恵を象徴し、武士の理知的な側面を表現しました。青はまた、武士が持つべき品格を示すともされました。

- ****:若さや活力を表し、自然との調和を象徴する色でした。特に平和な時代には、緑の着物が好まれました。

- **Red**: It symbolizes courage and strength, and was preferred as a decoration when going to battle. It was also used during festivals and was a good omen.

- **Black**: It was used in formal situations, especially as mourning clothes. Black represents gravity and authority, and is also considered a color that indicates high status.

- **Blue**: It symbolizes calmness and wisdom, and expresses the intellectual aspects of the samurai. Blue was also said to indicate the dignity that samurai should have.

- **Green**: It was a color that represented youth and vitality and symbolized harmony with nature. Especially in peaceful times, green kimonos were preferred.

3. 階級による色の制限


3. Color restrictions by class

In the Edo period, there were strict regulations on color. For example, high-ranking samurai were allowed to wear certain colors and patterns, but lower-ranking samurai and townspeople had to avoid those colors. Such color restrictions served as a means of clarifying social status.

4. 文化的な影響


4. Cultural influence

The color of the kimono has influenced not only the samurai class but also the wide range of Japanese culture. In particular, in traditional cultures such as tea ceremony, flower path, and martial arts, the color and design of kimono are important factors, reflecting spirituality and aesthetics.

5. 現代における着物の色彩


5. The color of kimono in modern times

Even in modern times, the color of kimono has an important meaning. In ceremonies such as weddings, coming-of-age ceremonies, and Shichigosan, the choice of color and design is a means of expressing individual identity and family traditions. It is also a valuable opportunity to learn about Japanese history and culture through color.




The color of the kimono is an important factor in the social status and role of the samurai class, and helps to understand the historical context. The choice of color had a deep meaning and reflected the identity and values of the samurai. Even in modern times, this tradition has been passed down, and it is possible to understand Japanese culture through color. Through the colors of kimono, we can feel the rich history that connects the past and the present.


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