【商品紹介】ほぼ美品 注染浴衣 囲炉裏に扇面文様 藍染 コーマ地 SS寸 手縫い 大人可愛い [Product introduction] Almost beautiful product, yukata, fan pattern in the hearth, indigo dyeing, coma fabric, SS size, hand-sewn, adult cute



Speaking of summer traditions, it's yukata, isn't it? It is characterized by cool materials and cute designs, and is very popular among women. Among such yukata, the Chuzen yukata "Fan-men pattern on the hearth" is hand-sewn with the technique of indigo dyeing, which gives an even more elegant impression. This time, we will introduce the charm of such a nuyukata "Fan-men pattern on the hearth".




First of all, the biggest attraction of this yukata is the fan-faced pattern drawn in the hearth. The hearth is a traditional Japanese heating appliance that reminds me of the good old Japanese scenery. The fan pattern is drawn in such a hearth, which further brings out the Japanese atmosphere. The fan pattern gives an elegant and elegant impression, so it is perfect for adult cute style.




Also, this yukata is dyed with the technique of indigo dyeing. Aizome is an ancient Japanese dyeing technique and is characterized by a deep blue color. Therefore, this yukata gives an elegant and calm impression, and is perfect for adult women. In addition, indigo dyeing has a unique texture, and by hand sewing one by one, you can also feel the warmth of the craftsmen's handicrafts.




In addition, this yukata is made of a material called coma fabric. The comb fabric is a particularly high-quality material among cotton, and it is known for its very good texture. In addition, the 100% cotton material has good breathability, so you can spend comfortably even on hot summer days.




The size is SS size, which is perfect for petite women. It is important to choose the size of the kimono, but this yukata is packed with attention to detail, so you can give off a presence in one dress.




Chusen Yukata "Fan face pattern on the hearth" is a cute adult yukata finished by hand sewing. It is packed with attention to detail, such as the fan pattern drawn on the hearth, the deep blue of indigo dyeing, and the high-quality materials of the combed fabric. It is perfect not only for events such as summer festivals and fireworks festivals, but also for casual outings. Please try to incorporate the yukata "Fan-face pattern in the hearth" in this summer's fashion.



Click here for our yukata

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