## 着物の着こなしテクニックとポイント## Kimono dressing techniques and points



Kimono is a traditional Japanese costume and can be enjoyed as a special event or everyday fashion. There are several techniques and points to dress beautifully. Here, we will introduce tips for wearing a kimono nicely.


### 1. 着物の選び方


- **シーンに合わせる**: 着物は場面によって選ぶことが重要です。フォーマルな場には訪問着や振袖、カジュアルな場には小紋や浴衣を選ぶと良いでしょう。

- **季節感を大切に**: 季節に合わせた色や柄の着物を選ぶことで、より一層その時期の雰囲気を楽しむことができます。


###. How to choose a kimono


- **Actuate to the scene**: It is important to choose a kimono depending on the situation. It is a good idea to choose visiting clothes and furisode for formal occasions, and small patterns and yukata for casual places.


- **Value the sense of season**: By choosing a kimono with a color and pattern that matches the season, you can enjoy the atmosphere of that season even more.


### 2. 着付けの基本


- **下着の選び方**: 着物を着る前には、適切な肌着や補正を行いましょう。体型を整えることで、着物が美しく見えます。

- **帯の結び方**: 帯結びは、着物の印象を大きく左右します。初心者には「文庫結び」や「二重太鼓」がおすすめです。動画や書籍を参考にして練習しましょう。


### two. Basics of dressing


- **How to choose underwear**: Before wearing a kimono, do the appropriate underwear and correction. By adjusting your body shape, your kimono will look beautiful.


- **How to tie the obi**: The obi knot greatly affects the impression of the kimono. For beginners, we recommend "Bunko Knot" and "Double Drum". Let's practice by referring to videos and books.


### 3. 身体のラインを意識する


- **体型を活かす**: 体型に合った着物を選ぶことで、より美しく見せることができます。自分の体型を理解し、サイズ感を重視しましょう。

- **姿勢を正す**: 着物を着るときは、姿勢が大切です。背筋を伸ばし、自然な立ち居振る舞いを心掛けましょう。


### three. Be aware of the lines of the body


- **Make the most of your body shape**: You can look more beautiful by choosing a kimono that fits your body type. Understand your body shape and focus on size.


- ** Correct your posture**: When wearing a kimono, posture is important. Straighten your back and try to behave naturally.


### 4. アクセサリーの活用


- **小物使い**: 帯留めや帯揚げ、帯締めなどの小物を上手に使うことで、着物の印象を変えることができます。色合いや柄を工夫して、全体のバランスを考えましょう。

- **髪型の工夫**: 着物に合わせた髪型を選ぶことで、全体のコーディネートが引き立ちます。アップスタイルやお団子ヘアが人気です。


### four. Utilization of accessories


- **Use of accessories**: You can change the impression of a kimono by using small items such as obi fastening, obiage, and obi tightening. Let's think about the overall balance by devising colors and patterns.


- **Hairstyle ingenuity**: By choosing a hairstyle that matches the kimono, the overall coordination will stand out. Upstyle and bun hair are popular.


### 5. 色の組み合わせ


- **色合わせのテクニック**: 着物の色と帯、その他の小物の色を調和させることで、より洗練された印象を与えます。基本的には、同系色や補色を取り入れると良いでしょう。

- **柄のバランス**: 着物の柄が派手な場合は、小物や帯をシンプルにすることで、全体のバランスを保つことができます。


###5. Color combination


- **Color matching technique**: Harmonize the color of the kimono with the color of the belt and other accessories to give a more sophisticated impression. Basically, it is a good idea to incorporate the same color and complementary colors.


- **Pattern balance**: If the pattern of the kimono is flashy, you can keep the overall balance by simplifying the accessories and obi.


### 6. 着物のお手入れ


- **クリーニングと保管**: 着物は丁寧に扱うことが大切です。着用後は、軽くほこりを払ってから、専門のクリーニング店で手入れをしましょう。また、保管時は湿気を避け、通気性の良い場所に保管します。


### six. Kimono care


- **Cleaning and storage**: It is important to handle kimono carefully. After wearing, lightly dust it and take care of it at a specialized dry cleaner. Also, when storing, avoid moisture and store in a well-ventilated place.


### まとめ




### Summary


The way you wear a kimono will change a lot with a little ingenuity and practice. By choosing a kimono according to your body type and situation, mastering the correct dressing, and how to use accessories, you will be able to dress even more beautifully. Find your own style while enjoying the kimono.


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