浴衣の小物使いとコーディネート:帯や下駄、髪飾りなど、浴衣の小物使いのアイデアやコーディネート術を提案する。 Yukata accessories and coordination: We propose ideas and coordination techniques for yukata accessories, such as obi, geta, and hair ornaments.



Yukata is one of the traditional Japanese kimonos as a summer tradition. When wearing a yukata, the use of accessories such as obi, geta, and hair ornaments is an important point. Here, we will propose ideas and coordination techniques for using yukata accessories.




First of all, how to choose an obi. Colorful obi is perfect for yukata. For example, if you choose an obi accented with the color in the pattern of yukata, it will be even more gorgeous. In addition, if you combine a simple yukata with a gorgeous obi with a pattern, the coordination will stand out. Obi knot is also a point, and in general, we recommend a simple and cool knot called "summer knot".




Next, how to choose geta. Traditional geta and zori go well with yukata. In particular, wooden geta matches the atmosphere of the yukata and tightens your feet. In addition, by choosing colorful geta, you can further enhance the gorgeousness of the yukata. Of course, ease of walking is also important, so let's pay attention to the comfort.




Finally, how to choose a hair ornament. By wearing a hair ornament on the yukata, you can produce even more cuteness and elegance. There are plenty of hair ornaments with designs that are easy to match with yukata, such as flowers and ribbons. Also, if you choose a hair ornament according to the pattern and color of the yukata, you will create a sense of unity. The way to match is different depending on the hairstyle, so it's a good idea to match it with up style or dumpling hair.




The above, we have proposed ideas and coordination techniques for using yukata accessories. Accessories such as obi, geta, and hair ornaments are important elements that complement the way you wear a yukata. Please enjoy the wonderful yukata coordination according to your taste and atmosphere.



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