# 着物の着こなしテクニックとポイント # Kimono dressing techniques and points



Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment, and its beauty and unique style are loved by many people. When wearing a kimono, you can dress more attractively by grasping some techniques and points. Here are some tips on how to wear a kimono.


## 1. 着物の選び方


### シーンに合わせた選択



## one. How to choose a kimono


### Selection according to the scene


There are various types of kimono, and it is important to choose according to formal and casual occasions. Furisode and Tomesode are suitable for special events such as weddings and coming-of-age ceremonies. On the other hand, small patterns and visiting clothes are good for everyday use.


### 色と柄のバランス



### Balance of color and pattern


By choosing a color that suits your skin color and body type, you can find a kimono that suits you better. Bright colors and flashy patterns create a youthful look, and calm colors complement the femininity of an adult.


## 2. 着付けの基本


### 正しい着付け



## two. Basics of dressing


### Correct dressing


When wearing a kimono, it is important to wear underwear and underwear correctly first. The "skin skirt" and "hem removal" worn under the kimono play a role in keeping the kimono clean. Next, the point is to make the kimono fit firmly to the body. When tightening the belt, fix the waist area firmly and prepare the overall silhouette.


### 帯の結び方



### How to tie a belt


The obi greatly affects the impression of the kimono. Let's choose a way to tie according to the scene, such as the general "bunko knot" and "double drum knot". By practicing, you will be able to tie a more beautiful way.


## 3. アクセサリーの使い方


### 小物の選び方



## three. How to use accessories


### How to choose accessories


Small items such as obiage, obi tightening, clogs, and bags are indispensable for kimonos. These accessories balance the entire kimono and play a role in bringing out their individuality. When choosing a color or pattern, it is a good idea to choose one that harmonizes with the color of the kimono.


### 髪型とメイク



### Hairstyle and makeup


Hairstyle and makeup are also important factors that complement the kimono. Traditional Japanese hair and simple up styles go well with kimono. You can create elegance by finishing your makeup naturally.


## 4. 着物を着る際の注意点


### 動きやすさを考慮



## four. Precautions when wearing a kimono


### Consider the ease of movement


The movement of kimono may be limited, so try to dress with ease of movement in advance. Also, when wearing a kimono, you need to pay attention to your posture when sitting and walking.


### 季節に応じた素材



### Seasonal materials


The material of kimono varies depending on the season. You can spend a comfortable time by choosing seasonal materials such as hemp and pongee in summer, and wool and pongee in winter.


## 5. 着物を楽しむ心構え




## five. Prepare to enjoy kimono


Kimono is not just clothing, it is a part of experiencing Japanese culture. By wearing a kimono, you can feel special and enjoy communicating with people around you. Please wear a kimono in your own style and enjoy its charm to the fullest.


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