着物の魅力を世界に広げるための取り組み Efforts to expand the charm of kimono to the world


Kimono is a traditional Japanese costume, and its beauty and dignity are highly valued all over the world. However, due to changes in lifestyle in recent years and the penetration of Western clothing culture, the demand for kimono is decreasing. People who love kimono and want to spread its charm are making the following efforts.


1. 着物の普及活動



1. Kimono dissemination activities


Kimono dissemination activities are being carried out to understand the beauty and cultural value of kimono and to provide an opportunity to enjoy kimono. Dressing classes, kimono exhibitions, fashion shows, etc. are held at local schools and community centers, so that many people can feel close to kimono.


2. 着物のイベントの開催



2. Holding a kimono event


Events specializing in kimono are held in various places. Kimono lovers will gather, and there will be contests to compete for fashionable kimono dressing and events related to art and culture. In addition, there is also a kimono experience tour for foreign tourists, providing opportunities for overseas visitors to enjoy Japanese traditional culture.


3. SNSやオンラインコミュニティの活用



3. Utilization of SNS and online communities


Kimono lovers use SNS and online communities to disseminate the charm of kimono. Fashion bloggers and influencers share their kimono styles and dressing techniques to inspire many people. In addition, there is also an online store where you can buy and rent kimono, so you can enjoy kimono more easily.


4. 日本文化のイメージ向上



4. Improving the image of Japanese culture


In order to actively spread Japanese traditional culture such as kimono, information about kimono is also provided in tourist pamphlets and guidebooks for foreigners. In addition, at international events and exhibitions, performances and presentations using kimono are held to appeal the charm of kimono to many people.




With these efforts, the charm of kimono is gradually spreading to the world. Kimono is not just a costume, but a crystallization of delicate aesthetic sense and craftsmanship, and a symbol of Japanese traditional culture. By conveying the charm of kimono to people all over the world, we can create opportunities to respect diverse cultures and deepen mutual understanding.

当店の着物はこちらからClick here for our kimono


