「夏の風物詩を浴衣で楽しもう!おすすめの場所やイベントガイド」 "Let's enjoy the summer tradition with a yukata! Recommended places and event guides"



With the arrival of summer, there will be more opportunities to wear yukata and participate in festivals and events. Yukata is loved by many people because it is cool and you can enjoy the summer atmosphere in a cool and gorgeous outfit. So this time, we will introduce recommended places and events where you can enjoy wearing a yukata.


1. 夏祭り:夏の風物詩と言えば、夏祭りです。浴衣を着て屋台を回ったり、お神輿に参加したりすることで、日本の伝統的な祭りの雰囲気を存分に味わうことができます。特に有名な夏祭りでは、大勢の人々が浴衣を着て練り歩く様子が見られ、まるでタイムスリップしたかのような感覚に浸ることができます。


1. Summer festival: Speaking of summer traditions, it's a summer festival. By wearing a yukata and going around the stalls and participating in the mikoshi, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of traditional Japanese festivals. Especially in the famous summer festival, you can see many people parading around wearing yukata, and you can immerse yourself in the feeling as if you have gone back in time.


2. 花火大会:夏の夜空を彩る花火大会も、浴衣を着て楽しむのに最適なイベントです。浴衣の色と花火の色が美しいコントラストを生み出し、夜空に広がる美しい花火を浴衣姿で鑑賞することで、より一層の夏の夜の魅力を感じることができます。


2. Fireworks display: The fireworks display that colors the summer night sky is also the best event to enjoy wearing a yukata. The color of the yukata and the color of the fireworks create a beautiful contrast, and by watching the beautiful fireworks spreading in the night sky in a yukata, you can feel the charm of the summer night even more.


3. 屋外コンサート:夏の屋外で行われるコンサートも、浴衣を着て楽しむことができるイベントの一つです。音楽に合わせて浴衣が揺れる姿は、一体感と華やかさを感じさせてくれます。また、ライブ会場周辺には屋台やグルメブースが出店されていることが多く、浴衣を着たままで楽しむことができます。


3. Outdoor concert: The concert held outdoors in summer is also one of the events that you can enjoy wearing a yukata. The appearance of the yukata swaying according to the music makes you feel a sense of unity and gorgeousness. In addition, there are many stalls and gourmet booths around the live venue, so you can enjoy it while wearing a yukata.


4. 温泉旅館:浴衣を着て温泉旅館に宿泊するのも、特別な体験です。湯上りに浴衣を着て散策すると、静寂な温泉街の中で優雅なひとときを過ごすことができます。また、温泉旅館では浴衣レンタルサービスが提供されていることも多く、手軽に浴衣を楽しむことができます。


4. Hot spring inn: It is also a special experience to stay at a hot spring inn wearing a yukata. If you take a walk in a yukata after taking a bath, you can spend an elegant time in a quiet hot spring town. In addition, yukata rental services are often provided at hot spring inns, so you can enjoy yukata easily.




In this way, there are various places and events that you can enjoy wearing a yukata. By enjoying the summer tradition in a yukata, you can not only get in touch with Japanese traditions and culture, but also feel the charm of summer even more. Let's go out wearing a yukata and make summer memories!


Click here for our yukata


