着物のメンテナンスと長持ちさせるための匂い対策方法How to maintain kimono and prevent odors to make it last longer






Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment, and you want to use it for a long time. However, sometimes the kimono can smell. In this article, we will introduce how to prevent odors to maintain and make kimonos last longer.


1. 汗や煙の匂いを防ぐ:



1. Prevent the smell of sweat and smoke:


After putting on a kimono, take it off as soon as possible and dry it in the shade in a well-ventilated place. It is also recommended to clean your body and use antiperspirants before wearing a kimono. In addition, if you are a smoker, be careful not to let the smell of smoke stick to your kimono.


2. 収納方法の工夫:



Two. Ingenuity of storage method:


When storing kimono for a long time, it is important to use a moisture-repellent to avoid moisture. It is also important to dry the kimono thoroughly before putting it away. In addition, by placing fragrant pieces of wood and incense in storage spaces such as closets and closets, you can give your kimono a good smell.


3. 柔らかい香りのアイテムを活用する:



3. Take advantage of soft-scented items:


It is also effective to use air fresheners and fabric softeners for clothing to prevent the smell of kimono. However, things with strong scents may damage the material of the kimono, so be careful. Choose items with a soft scent and avoid direct contact with your kimono.


4. ドライクリーニング:



4. Dry cleaning:


Dry cleaning the kimono regularly is also an important way to prevent odors. Dry cleaning can remove stains and odors from kimono. However, it is important to choose a reliable dry cleaner.


5. 自宅での手洗い:



5. Hand washing at home:


Light odors and stains attached to the kimono can also be removed by hand washing at home. However, when washing by hand, try to use the appropriate detergent and wash gently. It is also important to follow the washing method that matches the material of the kimono.







In order to maintain and make the kimono last longer, odor control is also important. To prevent the smell of sweat and smoke, take it off quickly after wearing and dry it in the shade. It is also recommended to use moisture-repellent for storage and soft-scented items. Regular dry cleaning and hand washing at home are also effective ways to prevent the smell of kimono. By practicing these methods, you can keep your kimono beautiful forever.

