着物のアクセサリー:和の美を引き立てる小物たちKimono accessories: Accessories that complement the beauty of Japan


Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment, and its beauty is complemented not only by materials and designs, but also by various accessories. Here, we will introduce Japanese accessories that make kimono even more attractive.

1. 帯(おび)


1. Obi (Obi)

Obi is one of the most important accessories in kimono. The types of obi include Nagoya obi, bukuro obi, and half-width obi. The design and color of the obi greatly change the overall impression of the kimono, so it is important to choose according to the scene and kimono pattern. In addition, there are various styles of obi knots, such as "taiko knot" and "paperback knot". With these techniques, you can enjoy a completely different atmosphere even in the same belt.



Obi (Obidome)

Obi fastening is an ornament used for obi, adding splendor to the style of kimono. There are many designs made of various materials such as metal, plastic, and natural stone. You can choose the obi fastening according to the color and pattern of the kimono, and especially in formal situations, it is a good idea to choose an elegant design.

3. 草履(ぞうり)


3. Clogs (zouri)

Clogs are an essential foot accessory for kimono. Traditional clogs can be coordinated with the same colors and patterns as the obi to create an overall balance. Recently, many clogs with high design have appeared, making it easy to match casual kimono styles.

4. 髪飾り(かみかざり)


4. Hair ornament (kamikazari)

Hair ornaments are an important accessory to make your kimono even more gorgeous. Traditional "kanzashi" and "hair ornaments" create an overall sense of unity by choosing according to the pattern and color of the kimono. In addition, there are many modern design hair ornaments, which are popular with the younger generation.

5. 扇子(せんす)


5. Fan (Sensu)

Fans are items that go well with kimono, and they play a decorative role as well as practicality. By holding a fan with a beautiful design, you can add more elegance to your kimono. It is an indispensable item especially for summer kimono style.

6. 小物入れ(こものいれ)


6. Accessory box (Komono Ire)

The accessory box is an accessory for storing small items necessary when wearing a kimono. There are a variety of styles from traditional designs to modern ones, and you can choose according to the tone and style of your kimono.



A summary

The kimono is beautiful as it is, but by incorporating accessories well, you can enjoy an even more attractive style. When wearing a kimono, please make use of these accessories to fully enhance the beauty of Japan. Please spend a wonderful time feeling the traditional Japanese culture while expressing your own personality.

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