武士の暮らしと着物:日常に見る武士道Samurai's life and kimono: Bushido seen in everyday life


In Japanese history, samurai are unique, and their lifestyles and values are deeply rooted in today's Japanese culture. Among them, the life and kimono of samurai can be said to be important factors that reflect the spirit of Bushido.

#### 武士の暮らし


#### The life of a samurai

From the Sengoku period to the Edo period, samurai reigned in Japanese society as a ruling class. Their lives were not only dominated by force, but also on culture, ethics, and etiquette. Bushido is an ethics that values loyalty, honor, courtesy, courage, and self-cultivation, which had a profound impact on their daily lives.


The samurai did various activities not only to prepare for war, but also to maintain their own dignity in their daily lives. For example, he emphasized spiritual cultivation, such as practicing swordsmanship and archery, calligraphy and tea ceremony, and even writing poems and songs. These activities were not only to maintain their own status as a samurai, but also as a means to encourage inner growth.

#### 武士の着物


#### Samurai's kimono

The samurai's kimono was an important factor in their status and embodied the spirit of Bushido. Kimono was not just clothing, but also an expression of status, role, and even a mindset. The samurai wore armor during combat and luxurious Japanese clothes in daily life. In particular, he was particular about the color, pattern, and material, and was designed to distinguish it from other classes.


There are various types of samurai kimonos, especially "haori" and "hakama", which are known as symbolic costumes for samurai. Haori was an outer garment worn over a kimono and played a role in showing the dignity of a samurai. The hakama was worn under a kimono and was designed with ease of movement in mind. The spirit of Bushido was reflected in this way of choosing and dressing a kimono, and courtesy and aesthetics were required.

#### 日常に見る武士道


#### Bushido seen in everyday life

The life and kimono of the samurai were the embodiment of Bushido in their daily lives. For example, samurai were always polite and had an attitude of not forgetting respect for others. Their code of conduct was detailed manners, such as manners during meals, greetings during visits, and even language during conversations.


In addition, the samurai valued their own honor and did not neglect to make efforts to improve themselves to avoid failure and shame. Such self-cultivation influenced their behavior and judgment and formed a moral foundation in society as a whole.

### 結論


### Conclusion

The life and kimono of the samurai are not just historical relics, but also have a lot of influence on today's Japanese culture. The spirit of Bushido has influenced people's values and behaviors even today, and traces of it can also be found in our daily lives. By understanding the posture of samurai and the meaning contained in the kimono, wouldn't it be an opportunity to reconsider our own way of life and values?


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