### 商品紹介:豪華 亀甲に正倉院 花文様 袋帯 正絹 テーブルランナー リサイクル ロングサイズ ### Product introduction: Luxurious tortoiseshell and Shosoin, flower pattern, bag belt, pure silk, table runner, recycled, long size


豪華さと伝統美が融合した「豪華 亀甲に正倉院 花文様 袋帯」は、正絹素材を使用した高級感溢れるテーブルランナーです。リサイクル品ながら、その美しいデザインと質感は、一切の妥協を許しません。ロングサイズで、さまざまなシーンで活躍すること間違いなしです。


**Product Overview**


"Luxury Tortoiseshell and Shosoin Flower Pattern Fukuroobi", which combines luxury and traditional beauty, is a table runner full of luxury using pure silk material. Although it is a recycled product, its beautiful design and texture do not allow any compromise. With a long size, it is sure to be active in various scenes.





**Design features**


This table runner has a flower pattern of Shoso-in based on the tortoiseshell pattern. The tortoiseshell is a traditional motif that symbolizes stability and longevity, and the flower pattern of Shoso-in Temple gives a sense of the essence of classical Japanese art. The color is a calm tone, but it also has a gorgeousness, which further enhances the Japanese space.





**Material and texture**


It uses pure silk (Shoken) and is characterized by a smooth feel and gloss. Because it is a high-quality material, it also has durability that can be used for a long time. It is a perfect item for those who not only want to color the dining table gorgeously, but also value the Japanese atmosphere.





**The charm of recycled products**


Recycled products that enjoy fashion while taking care of the environment. The design that makes you feel the precious culture and history of the past brings out new charm. While realizing a sustainable lifestyle, you can incorporate the beauty of Japan into your daily life.





**Size and use**


Long-sized table runners are useful for dining tables, cafe tables, and even special events and hospitality scenes. It also fits a large table and makes the dining table look gorgeous.



「豪華 亀甲に正倉院 花文様 袋帯 正絹 テーブルランナー」は、伝統的な美しさと現代的なデザインが融合した一品です。リサイクル品としての魅力も持ち合わせ、環境に優しい選択肢となっています。特別な日常を演出するためのアイテムとして、ぜひお手元に加えてみてはいかがでしょうか。




"Luxury Tortoiseshell and Shosoin Flower Pattern Fukurobi Shokin Table Runner" is a combination of traditional beauty and modern design. It also has the charm as a recycled product and is an environmentally friendly choice. Why don't you add it to your hand as an item to create a special daily life?




