【海外での着物着用の際のポイントとマナー】[Points and manners when wearing kimono overseas]



Kimono is a traditional Japanese costume, and special attention is required when wearing it overseas. Below, we will introduce the points and manners of wearing kimono overseas.


1. 適切な場面を選ぶ



1. Choose the right scene


Kimono is considered to be suitable for formal events and formal scenes. Therefore, it is suitable to wear it at formal parties and weddings.


2. 着付けの専門家に相談する



2. Consult with a dressing expert


Dressing kimono requires a unique and complex technique. If you are wearing it for the first time or if you are worried, consult a specialist. You can receive support at local kimono dressing salons and Japan Cultural Center.


3. マナーを守る



3. Observe manners


It is important to keep good manners when wearing a kimono. In a cultural area where you are not used to taking off your shoes or relaxing on tatami mats, try to follow the rules of the people around you.


4. 色や柄の意味を理解する



4. Understand the meaning of colors and patterns


The color and pattern of the kimono have meaning. For example, in a wedding ceremony, the pattern of cherry blossoms is considered to be an abhorrent color on a white background, and black background is appropriate for funerals. In order to show respect for your superiors, you should avoid large and brightly colored kimonos.


5. 場所に応じた着物選び



5. Choosing a kimono according to the location


It is also important to choose kimonos with different materials and designs according to the climate and customs of overseas. Thin fabrics and cotton materials are suitable in hot countries and seasons, and choose warm wool materials in cold areas.


6. 自然体で振る舞う



6. Behave naturally


You can produce a special beauty by wearing a kimono, but avoid excessive pretentiness and unreasonable poses. Please wear a kimono with a natural smile and a calm attitude.


7. 着物文化の普及に貢献する



7. Contribute to the spread of kimono culture


Wearing a kimono abroad is a great opportunity to spread Japanese culture. Let's contribute to the spread of kimono culture by interacting with interested people and answering questions about kimono carefully.




Wearing kimono overseas will be a wonderful experience to enjoy Japanese traditions while respecting the culture and customs of the other party's region. Please be aware of the above points and manners and wear a kimono with confidence.



