代表的な織物 Typical fabrics



In Japan, the familiar yuzen is a major in dyeing of kimono, and its history began with the creation of Miyazaki Yuzensai (Edo period in 1654), but I think that even those who are not familiar with textiles have heard of "karaori" have heard of it.




Its history was old, and it was a general term for textiles that came from China (Tang), but it is said that the technique of the floating weaving organization used for the unimono (Chinese clothes) worn in the Heian period evolved and the technique of Karaori was established.


豊臣秀吉の時代(1568 – 1600)には京都に聚楽第を作り天皇を招待した時に、山内一豊(土佐藩初代藩主)の妻が唐織と言われる美しい布切れを集めて作った小袖を展示し、絶賛されたとあります。


In the days of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI (1568 - 1600), when Jurakudai was made in Kyoto and invited the Emperor, the wife of Kazutoyo Yamauchi (the first lord of the Tosa Domain) exhibited a collection of beautiful pieces of cloth called Karaori, and it was highly praised.





Karaori can be seen in Noh costumes, uchikake, round obi, etc.


It is characterized by expressing flowers and birds and flowers with floating weaving, and it looks like a luxurious embroidery. The more colors there are, the more time it takes, and it becomes a heavy and brilliant belt.




In our shop, we use karaori obi as a table runner ^ ^ ↑

