日本の伝統柄 茶屋辻  Japanese traditional pattern, Chaya Tsuji





'Chaya' in 'Chaya Tsuji' is a technique of pattern dyeing developed around the early Edo period (Kanbun) called 'Chaya-zome', and 'Tsuji' means 'Tateshi'. It is a summer formal dress favored by middle-class samurai women. It was also incorporated into the O-oku clothing system, and it was worn by Churyo. By the way, Midaidokoro and Noren Naka wore "Hontsuji".


After the Meiji Restoration, the pattern itself, which was accepted as a high rank among the common people and dyed in Chaya Tsuji came to be called "Chaya Tsuji."



