なぜ着物が海外のお客様に人気なのか?Why is kimono popular with overseas customers?



In recent years, the kimono boom overseas has been gradually spreading. Especially in urban areas in Europe and the United States, the number of people who love kimono, mainly the younger generation, is increasing. It has been confirmed that there are several reasons behind this phenomenon.




First of all, kimono's beauty and sophisticated design have become attractive elements for foreigners. Kimono reflects Japan's unique aesthetic sense, such as unique silhouettes, patterns, and how to tie luxurious obi. Many foreigners are attracted to these elements and incorporate them as their own style.




In addition, kimono is a symbol of traditional Japanese culture and acts as an attractive element in itself. For foreigners, wearing a kimono is also an opportunity to experience Japanese history and culture. Therefore, the interest and interest to touch Japanese culture through kimono is increasing.




In addition, with the spread of the Internet and social media, people all over the world can share information instantly, which also helps to expand the popularity of kimono. The charm spread by famous bloggers and influencers sending photos and information about kimono. In addition, the number of kimono mail order sites and workshops has increased, and you can easily touch the kimono.




The popularity of kimono is not only because it is attractive as a fashion item for foreigners, but also because wearing kimono itself has a meaning as an experience and adventure. Especially for travelers and tourists, walking around the city wearing a kimono is a valuable experience that touches Japanese culture.




Finally, you can't miss the environmentally friendly charm of kimono. Kimono uses natural materials for weaving and dyeing, and is attracting attention as a symbol of sustainable fashion. The number of foreigners who sympathize with the attitude of pursuing beauty while considering the environment is increasing, and it has become an element of choosing kimono as a fashion item.




Behind the spreading kimono boom overseas, elements such as the beauty of kimono, interest in traditional Japanese culture, information sharing, elements of experience and adventure, and environmentally friendly fashion are intertwined. It is expected that the popularity of kimono will continue to expand further.

当店の着物はこちらからClick here for our kimono


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