着物の色彩と武士の階級:色で読み解く歴史The color of kimono and the class of samurai: History deciphered by color


In traditional Japanese culture, kimono was more than just clothing, and was an important factor in expressing status, class, and even social status. Especially in the samurai class, the color of the kimono functioned as a means of indicating the status and role of the person. In this article, we will examine the impact of the color of kimono on the class of samurai and the historical background.

#### 着物の色彩と武士の階級


#### The color of the kimono and the class of the samurai

There was a clear class difference in the color and pattern of the samurai kimono. Specifically, the following colors symbolized the class of the samurai.

1. ****: 黒は格式の高い色とされ、上級武士や大名が好んで着用しました。特に、冠婚葬祭の場では黒い着物が用いられ、その重厚感が尊重されました。

1. **Black**: Black is considered a high-class color and was liked to be worn by senior samurai and daimyo. In particular, black kimonos were used at weddings and funerals, and their sense of gravity was respected.

2. ****: 紺色は中級武士に多く見られる色で、穏やかさや落ち着きを表現しています。中級武士は家の名誉を守る役割を担っており、紺色はその安定感を象徴しています。

Two. **Navy blue**: The dark blue color is a common color for intermediate samurai, expressing calmness and calmness. Intermediate samurai play a role in protecting the honor of the family, and the dark blue color symbolizes its sense of stability.

3. ****: 赤は戦の色とされ、勇敢さや力強さを表現しますが、下級武士や足軽が好んで着用しました。赤い着物は、戦場での存在感を引き立てるための戦略的な選択でもありました。

3. **Red**: Red is considered the color of war, expressing bravery and strength, but it was preferred by lower-level samurai and foot warriors. The red kimono was also a strategic choice to enhance your presence on the battlefield.

4. **緑や黄**: これらの色は、一般的には庶民や商人に好まれる色とされ、武士階級の中ではあまり見られませんでした。特に緑は自然を象徴し、武士の武勇とは対照的なイメージを持っていました。

4. **Green and yellow**: These colors were generally considered preferred by the common people and merchants, and were not often seen in the samurai class. In particular, the green symbolized nature and had an image that contrasted with the bravery of the samurai.

#### 歴史的背景



#### Historical background

In the Edo period, the status system of samurai became more strictly established, and the color of kimono changed accordingly. Under the shogunate system, samurai began to pay attention to the color and design of kimono in order to maintain their position. In particular, each clan has different colors and patterns, and kimono has also become a means of expressing the identity of the clan.

The choice of color also varied depending on the occupation and position of the samurai. For example, maids and family kimonos were used with family crests and certain colors, which clearly indicated the status and role of the family.

#### まとめ


#### Summary

The color of the kimono is an important factor in expressing the social status of the samurai class, and its meaning deepens with the historical background. The samurai established their identity through kimono and played a role in society. Even today, by knowing the meaning and history contained in the color of kimono, you will deepen your understanding of traditional Japanese culture. The history that is deciphered through color still teaches us many lessons.



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