「浴衣の素材と季節感を大切にした着こなし」 "Wearing clothes that value the material of yukata and the sense of the season"



Yukata is popular as a Japanese summer tradition. Its beautiful patterns and colors create a cool and gorgeous summer outfit. However, when choosing a yukata, you also need to pay attention to the material. It is important to choose the appropriate material because the comfort and seasonal feeling vary depending on the material. Below, we will introduce the characteristics of yukata materials, how to choose according to the season, and suggestions for dressing that values the sense of the season.




First of all, typical materials for yukata include silk, cotton, and polyester. Each material has the following characteristics.


1. 絹(きぬ):絹は高級感があり、光沢や滑らかさが特徴です。涼しげな風合いがありますが、吸湿性や速乾性には劣るため、暑い夏の日には少し蒸れやすく感じることもあります。しかし、その美しい光沢感と上品さは、特別な場にふさわしいです。


1. Silk: Silk has a sense of luxury and is characterized by luster and smoothness. It has a cool texture, but it is inferior to moisture absorption and quick drying, so it may feel a little stuffy on hot summer days. However, its beautiful luster and elegance are suitable for a special place.


2. 木綿(もめん):木綿は吸湿性や通気性に優れており、肌触りもさらっとしています。軽やかで涼しい着心地が特徴で、夏の暑い日にも快適に着ることができます。また、絹に比べて手入れが簡単で、洗濯機での洗濯も可能です。


2. Cotton: Cotton has excellent moisture absorption and breathability, and is smooth to the touch. It is characterized by light and cool comfort, and you can wear it comfortably even on hot summer days. In addition, it is easier to clean compared to silk, and it can also be washed in a washing machine.


3. ポリエステル:ポリエステルは経済的で丈夫な素材です。通気性や吸湿性は木綿や絹に比べると劣りますが、速乾性に優れているため、洗濯後の乾きも早いです。また、しわになりにくく、手入れが簡単なのもポリエステルの特徴です。


3. Polyester: Polyester is an economical and durable material. Breathability and moisture absorption are inferior to cotton and silk, but they are excellent in quick drying, so they dry quickly after washing. In addition, the feature of polyester is that it is not easy to wrinkle and easy to maintain.




How to choose yukata materials according to the season depends on climatic conditions such as temperature and humidity. Below, we will introduce how to choose by season.


1. 夏(6月〜8月):暑い夏の季節には、木綿やポリエステル素材がおすすめです。木綿は通気性が良く、吸湿性も高いため、汗をかいてもさらっとした着心地を保ってくれます。ポリエステルも速乾性があり、夏の多湿な日にも快適に着ることができます。


1. Summer (June to August): In the hot summer season, cotton and polyester materials are recommended. Cotton is breathable and highly hygroscopic, so it keeps you comfortable even if you sweat. Polyester is also quick-drying, so you can wear it comfortably even on humid summer days.


2. 秋(9月〜11月):秋は少し肌寒くなる季節です。この時期には、絹素材がおすすめです。絹は保温性があり、柔らかな風合いも魅力です。秋の風情に合わせて、落ち着いた色合いや柄の浴衣を選ぶと良いでしょう。


2. Autumn (September to November): Autumn is the season when it gets a little chilly. At this time of year, silk material is recommended. Silk has heat retention, and the soft texture is also attractive. It is a good idea to choose a yukata with calm colors and patterns according to the autumn atmosphere.


3. 冬(12月〜2月):寒い冬の季節には、暖かい素材を選びましょう。絹やウールなどの暖かい素材の浴衣があります。これらの素材は保温性が高いため、寒い季節でも暖かく過ごすことができます。


3. Winter (December to February): In the cold winter season, choose warm materials. There are yukata made of warm materials such as silk and wool. These materials have high heat retention, so you can stay warm even in the cold season.


4. 春(3月〜5月):春の浴衣は、絹やポリエステル素材がおすすめです。絹の光沢感や柔らかさが春らしい雰囲気を演出してくれます。ポリエステルも春らしい明るい色合いや柄が多く、華やかな印象を与えます。


4. Spring (March to May): Silk and polyester materials are recommended for spring yukata. The luster and softness of the silk create a spring-like atmosphere. Polyester also has many bright colors and patterns like spring, giving a gorgeous impression.


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