浴衣で楽しむ夏のイベント:海外でも浴衣を着て祭りや花火大会を楽しむ方法Summer events to enjoy in yukata: How to enjoy festivals and fireworks even overseas wearing yukata



In the summer season, wearing a yukata and participating in festivals and fireworks festivals is enjoyed as one of Japanese culture. However, it is quite possible to enjoy the event in a yukata even overseas. Here, we will introduce how to enjoy festivals and fireworks displays wearing yukata overseas.


1. 浴衣の選び方



1. How to choose a yukata


First of all, when choosing a yukata, choose the one that suits your taste and the theme of the event. If you want to participate in a local festival, it is a good idea to choose a pattern or color that matches the local customs. Also, if you want to participate in a fireworks festival, we recommend a yukata with bright colors and floral patterns. In addition, don't forget to choose a yukata that matches the temperature and weather.


2. 浴衣の着方



2. How to wear a yukata


When wearing a yukata, it is important to know how to wear it correctly. Let's use the Internet and books to learn how to wear yukata. In addition, there may be places that provide dressing services on site, so it is also recommended to check in advance.


3. アクセサリーの選び方



3. How to choose accessories


In order to make your yukata even more gorgeous, let's make good use of accessories. Let's choose and coordinate items that match your yukata, such as hair ornaments, obi closures, and folding fans. By using local traditional accessories, you can enjoy a more original style.


4. 現地の文化に溶け込む



4. Integrate into the local culture


When you wear a yukata overseas and participate in an event, it is important to enjoy your own style while respecting the local culture and customs. By interacting with local people and trying local traditional food and drinks, you can make the event even more fulfilling.


5. 写真撮影を楽しむ



5. Enjoy photography


Finally, let's enjoy taking pictures in a yukata. You can take memorable photos against the background of beautiful scenery, fireworks, and the bustle of the festival. It is also recommended to use SNS to share with overseas friends and family.




The way to enjoy festivals and fireworks displays in yukata overseas is to respect the local culture and customs while cherishing your own style. Please wear a yukata and enjoy a memorable summer event.


Click here for our yukata


