花魁から四季の風景まで、それぞれの意味を知ろうについて Let's know the meaning of each, from the oiran to the scenery of the four seasons



Oiran refers to high-class prostitutes who existed in the Edo period in Japan. They became popular among wealthy merchants and samurai through the provision of beauty, culture, and entertainment. However, the oiran was not just a prostitute, but played an important role in Japanese culture and art.




Oiran is also called Geibukyo and Yujo, and they were required to acquire education such as geido, music, and literature, and perform sophisticated conversations and excellent songs and dances. In addition, they made their presence stand out by applying beautiful kimonos, hairstyles, and makeup, and wearing "mage" which is a unique ornament.




Oiran was also an important presence in society at that time, and the okiya to which they belonged played a role as a center of art and culture. Okiya not only played a role as a place for guests to interact with oiran, but also contributed to the development of literature and music. In fact, it is said that many literati and artists received creation and enlightenment of their works through interaction with Oiran.




On the other hand, the scenery of the four seasons expresses the nature of Japan and the change of the seasons. The four seasons in Japan are divided into four parts: spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each has its own landscapes and features. Cherry blossoms and fresh greens in spring, fireflies, sea and mountain greens in summer, autumn leaves and harvest season in autumn, and snowy scenery and warm food in winter are representative.




The scenery of the four seasons reflects the aesthetic sense and sensibility of Japanese people, and is also depicted in many works of art such as poems and paintings. The scenery of the four seasons makes people feel the transition of the seasons and the relationship with human activities through the beauty and transition of nature.




The scenery of the oiran and the four seasons represents a part of Japanese traditional culture and aesthetic sense. Oiran has a great influence on the development of Japanese art and culture, and the scenery of the four seasons is an important element that forms the sensibility and aesthetic sense of Japanese people. By understanding and appreciating these elements, you can enjoy Japanese culture and beauty more deeply.



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